Today, as I head to my weekend job I cant help but stare at my new watch. This I thought was one of worthy stuff I have purchased to date. But all of a sudden, it reminded me of my father who passed on a decade ago.
During one of his birthdays, I gifted him a watch. Nothing special about the watch - it was a fashion watch so to speak. Fossil to be specific. He was over the moon about it and would use it almost every single day.
But one day, he came home drunk (most of you know the fact that he loved drinking), without the watch. We were mad at him thinking he did not value the present I gave. He confessed he pawned it, and he couldnt tell the reason why.
After a few days, we redeemed the watch and later found out that he used the money as his share for his friend’s hospital bill.
Tatay, wherever you are, I know you are happy shining down on us. I wish you were alive so I could gift you a better watch, and more perhaps. Happy Father’s Day! And I love and miss you.
-This was originally posted on my FB on 21JUN2020
Since I arrived Sydney from a month-long Philippine holiday, I started daily walking for at least 30 minutes. To this day, 3 weeks later, not a day missed and today was the longest so far - 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Goal is to do it 1 month straight without a fail. If I would stay committed to it for a month, chances are I would until a year. Until it becomes a habit hard to skip.
Goal is to do it 1 month straight without a fail. If I would stay committed to it for a month, chances are I would until a year. Until it becomes a habit hard to skip.
This week
This week, daily, I have found myself uttering these words inside my head:
Always choose peace over money.
Looking forward to peaceful week ahead.
Good night xxx
Always choose peace over money.
Looking forward to peaceful week ahead.
Good night xxx
Tropical Garden in the making
Happy to share progress of the tropical garden I am trying to achieve at the back alley of my humble abode. More to improve but satisfied to see this though.
Will be hanging more trailing plants.
I will be sleeping with a happy, green heart tonight.
Good night xx
Good again
Hey, been a while. :-)
T'was a good day today. Nothing so special but I felt good today. Rather, I felt good again.
You have no idea what kind of demons I have been dealing with the past months but I have found a way how to deal with it. And that is by not dealing with it. Deadma in short - and just trust that it will all pass by little will I know.
But not dealing with it still doesnt change the fact that you still have these demons inside your head. And it will recur without any clue nor advance notice. Then, you have to deal with it agin. Process goes on.
So today, I have decided to let go and just try not to take control of everything that revolves around me. Try I said 'coz I know it's not gonna be instant. We'll get there.
I used to be on top of everything - my life so to speak. It was when I can't steer a situation towards certain direction I got frustrated, and started to doubt my self, my worth.
Thank God I came across Shaira Luna again. She was the genius kid my generation grew up with. She was the talk of the town. Perceived to be the would be youngest doctor in the Philippines, she derailed her focus from sciences to photography. Or maybe, she just realized sciences were really not her interest from the get go. Putting earplug on both ears, she pursued something else. She pursued happiness.
And she never regrets it.
So what's my point? Hmmm nothing. I mean, expect nothing. Live free. Be kind. Be happy.
T'was a good day today. Nothing so special but I felt good today. Rather, I felt good again.
You have no idea what kind of demons I have been dealing with the past months but I have found a way how to deal with it. And that is by not dealing with it. Deadma in short - and just trust that it will all pass by little will I know.
But not dealing with it still doesnt change the fact that you still have these demons inside your head. And it will recur without any clue nor advance notice. Then, you have to deal with it agin. Process goes on.
So today, I have decided to let go and just try not to take control of everything that revolves around me. Try I said 'coz I know it's not gonna be instant. We'll get there.
I used to be on top of everything - my life so to speak. It was when I can't steer a situation towards certain direction I got frustrated, and started to doubt my self, my worth.
Thank God I came across Shaira Luna again. She was the genius kid my generation grew up with. She was the talk of the town. Perceived to be the would be youngest doctor in the Philippines, she derailed her focus from sciences to photography. Or maybe, she just realized sciences were really not her interest from the get go. Putting earplug on both ears, she pursued something else. She pursued happiness.
And she never regrets it.
So what's my point? Hmmm nothing. I mean, expect nothing. Live free. Be kind. Be happy.
Trying to be more understanding
The past 2 days had tested my patience. Big time.
As much as I wouldn't want to release the beast in me, I just couldn't when situation calls for it.
I had a deal with an online seller about a pair of shoes less than a week ago. We agreed to meet at St Leonards Station (Sydney) last night. Roughly 3 hours prior our meet I asked if it's okay to move the meet up place to Town Hall which was less than 30mins by train.
To my surprise, his reaction was hysterical. He called me disrespectful and many a word that pushed me to match his uproar. Never had I imagined that a simple question would burst this man's bubble. He could have just said no.
To make the long story about back and worth exchanges of points, he decided to sell the item to next in line - which was totally rude.
He even sent me screenshot proving that someone will be getting the item. To my dismay, I told him that he will be reported to the online community, but he blocked me after that.
Me being stubborn (Well, Jonah in the bible was indeed stubborn. I just live up to the name), I grabbed his personal photos and posted in the online selling platform describing him as a disrespectful seller. BUT that particular post was not approved to go live because of selling standards violation. So I just accepted and moved on.
However, after a few minutes someone sent me a message informing that the seller who just blocked me decided to honor his commitment. Of course, I obliged mainly because his price is the cheapest in the market. Period.
So he unblocked me and we started to chat again, and he confessed that his friend saw his face posted in the market. LOL! Why was it posted when it was not approved form the get go? Weird!
We met, and fulfilled the commitment. I had the shoes! Thank God!
You wouldn't believe what happened the next morning. I'll tell you about it in my next post.
As much as I wouldn't want to release the beast in me, I just couldn't when situation calls for it.
I had a deal with an online seller about a pair of shoes less than a week ago. We agreed to meet at St Leonards Station (Sydney) last night. Roughly 3 hours prior our meet I asked if it's okay to move the meet up place to Town Hall which was less than 30mins by train.
To my surprise, his reaction was hysterical. He called me disrespectful and many a word that pushed me to match his uproar. Never had I imagined that a simple question would burst this man's bubble. He could have just said no.
To make the long story about back and worth exchanges of points, he decided to sell the item to next in line - which was totally rude.
He even sent me screenshot proving that someone will be getting the item. To my dismay, I told him that he will be reported to the online community, but he blocked me after that.
Me being stubborn (Well, Jonah in the bible was indeed stubborn. I just live up to the name), I grabbed his personal photos and posted in the online selling platform describing him as a disrespectful seller. BUT that particular post was not approved to go live because of selling standards violation. So I just accepted and moved on.
However, after a few minutes someone sent me a message informing that the seller who just blocked me decided to honor his commitment. Of course, I obliged mainly because his price is the cheapest in the market. Period.
So he unblocked me and we started to chat again, and he confessed that his friend saw his face posted in the market. LOL! Why was it posted when it was not approved form the get go? Weird!
We met, and fulfilled the commitment. I had the shoes! Thank God!
You wouldn't believe what happened the next morning. I'll tell you about it in my next post.
It's been 12 years
Good day, mate!
It's been a long while since I posted. To say that my hiatus here was spent in a rather busy time is an understatement.
Currently, I am based in Sydney - been residing here for almost a year as I write this. Prior my emigration, I've toured around Europe, Africa, Australia and most of Asia in which I was and maybe still thinking of sharing some of my experiences. God, I hope I could still recall some of those as 6 years worth of gallivanting was no joke - as far as recalling events is concerned.
Currently, I am based in Sydney - been residing here for almost a year as I write this. Prior my emigration, I've toured around Europe, Africa, Australia and most of Asia in which I was and maybe still thinking of sharing some of my experiences. God, I hope I could still recall some of those as 6 years worth of gallivanting was no joke - as far as recalling events is concerned.
So, forgive me for leaving you for quite a time. And trust that I'll try my best to post as regularly as I can not just about my journey stories but life in general as well.
Let's start a brand new refresh, guys! :-)
Smart Communications North Luzon Area held its annual rewards and recognitions program April 3, 2008 at Magalang, Pampanga.
Teams and individuals were awarded in different categories.
Proud to say our ACeS team was hailed as this year's receipient of Dream Team Award. Each team member was given a certificate and a 2-GB Kingston USB.
Apparently, the certificate was not handed down to me personally. I was on duty. Had I been there my speech would have been:

" First of all I would like to thank God for the talents and knowledges given to each of the team members. These traits collectively gathered were instrumental to the success of the monumental Batavia Project. Many thanks also to the SEs for their guidance and support. Sir Joel as well for always being cool. To my dearest co-JEs, working with you is always fun and exciting. Reminder lang, don't forget to encode the test calls results before your shift ends. hehe. Again, thank you and have a nice day!"
Pang-Oscar's ba? hehe
Actually, none of the winners were priviledged to have an acceptance speech. Yet, they winners and non-winners had pure fun in a picnic-like awarding rites at an exclusive farm.
Congratulations to all the winners. May these recognitions inspire us more to outdo ourselves always. Kudos ACeS team!
Teams and individuals were awarded in different categories.
Proud to say our ACeS team was hailed as this year's receipient of Dream Team Award. Each team member was given a certificate and a 2-GB Kingston USB.
Apparently, the certificate was not handed down to me personally. I was on duty. Had I been there my speech would have been:

" First of all I would like to thank God for the talents and knowledges given to each of the team members. These traits collectively gathered were instrumental to the success of the monumental Batavia Project. Many thanks also to the SEs for their guidance and support. Sir Joel as well for always being cool. To my dearest co-JEs, working with you is always fun and exciting. Reminder lang, don't forget to encode the test calls results before your shift ends. hehe. Again, thank you and have a nice day!"
Pang-Oscar's ba? hehe
Actually, none of the winners were priviledged to have an acceptance speech. Yet, they winners and non-winners had pure fun in a picnic-like awarding rites at an exclusive farm.
Congratulations to all the winners. May these recognitions inspire us more to outdo ourselves always. Kudos ACeS team!
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